
Vocalign pro 4 sync points
Vocalign pro 4 sync points

vocalign pro 4 sync points

Vocals aren't the only thing it works on. The process of aligning multiple backing vocals is simply a matter of keeping the lead vocal guide track intact and feeding each dub track for that section one by one. VocALign doesn't always get it right, and you occasionally have to do a bit of ref­inement either to the length of the target section or the content of what you're aligning, but it happily manages four or even eight-bar phrases in one go. If time is money, you would recoup your investment in a matter of weeks. Compare this to the hours it can take to edit parts into line by hand - even then, the results are often a tad out of focus! It performs the alignment process in seconds and the results are astonishingly good. Once you're happy, you can bounce the aligned dub signal onto a fresh track using Cubase's mixdown functions. If needs be, you can ref­ine the section to be aligned using the start and end arrows. Play the section again to hear the resultant aligned track instead of the original.

Vocalign pro 4 sync points windows#

When the transport is stopped, the two waveforms will appear in their respective windows and after hitting Edit, a visual representation of the alignment is traced over the guide. You'd then play the section to be aligned with the Capture Audio button engaged. From the guide channel, an auxiliary send is routed to VocALign's VST3-enabled sidechain input. To achieve this, a VocALign instance is inserted on the dub channel. So how exactly does VocALign work in Cubase? As we said, VocALign needs two signals to work its magic: the guide signal, which provides the template to which the second dub signal is aligned.

vocalign pro 4 sync points

You can ref­ine the start and end points of the section you want to align to avoid it getting confused by extraneous noises/words and audition the results before committing to a fresh 'VocALigned' track. It analyses the energy prof­iles over time of both signals and stretches and compresses the dub track to precisely follow the prof­ile of the guide. VocALign takes two audio signals: the guide, which in most cases is the lead vocal, and the dub, which is the backing vocal or harmony that you want to lock to it.

Vocalign pro 4 sync points